Covid-19 Testing Kits & Covid-19 vaccines
All MTM Pharmacy locations are offering Covid-19 testing kit. For any questions, please get in contact with our office.
Available Now: Covid-19 Vaccine
- COVID-19, also called SARS-CoV-2, is a virus that can spread through contact with an infected person within a distance of 6 feet. It is a predominantly respiratory illness that can affect other organs.
- The Moderna vaccine uses mRNA to teach our cells how to make a protein that will trigger an immune response that may prevent COVID-19 infection and is recommended to those 18 years or older. The vaccine is administered in a series of two doses (0.5mL) one month apart.
- Side effects may include: swelling or redness at site of injection, chills, tiredness, and/or headache.
- To find out more information, please refer to Moderna Information and Janssen Information.
Seasonal Flu Vaccine (Fluzone)
- Influenza, also called the flu, is a common seasonal disease that affects the respiratory system and can cause mild to severe illnesses, with varying degrees of risk depending on age, pre existing medical conditions, pregnancy, etc.
- Side effects may include soreness or swelling at site of injection, headache, fever, muscle aches, nausea, and/or fatigue.
- To find out more information, please refer to https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/flu.html

- Most insurance covers contraception
- FREE consultation with pharmacist
- NO prescription needed
- Pharmacist prescribes then fax to primary care doctor
- Two types: Self-administered hormonal contraception, Emergency contraception

- Covered by some insurance (contact to check for eligibility)
- FREE consultation with pharmacist
- NO prescription needed
- Pharmacist prescribes then fax to primary care doctor
- Two types: oral (e.g. gum, lozenge), patch

- Covered by some insurance (contact to check for eligibility)
- FREE consultation with pharmacist
- NO prescription needed
- Naloxone can quickly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose and restore a person’s respiration back to a normal rate.
- Side effects may include: headache, rapid heart rate, sweating, nausea, changes in blood pressure, vomiting, and/or tremors.
Claim Your Free Gift Today!
MTM Pharmacy is offering a Free Box of Surgical Masks (50 pieces) with a new prescription!
I bought these masks for the pharmacy where I work. We used masks on a daily basis and it is definitely keeping us and our patients safe from the spread of contagious diseases and especially Covid-19. The masks filter up to 95% of bacterial, which is great because it’s easy to spread the virus when people talk or sneeze or cough. I feel safer going to work with having these masks on

David T.
I got the Regular Use Masks for my work at the Hair Salon. It has 4 layers and really helps blocking odors from the daily solutions and bacteria. I feel comfortable wearing these masks all day to protect myself and my clients. I highly recommend it. Customers service was good. I had questions and the rep was able to answer me in a timely manner